Help us make food transparency the norm!

As a non-profit organization, we depend on your donations to continue informing consumers around the world about what they eat.

The food revolution starts with you!

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Συνεισφέρετε στο Open Food Facts

Open Food Facts community

Open Food Facts exists thanks to the citizens who give their time and talent in many different activities. We are a large international family that gives a unique character to this beautiful project, made for all, by all! 🌍✨

To facilitate the involvement of our contributors and allow the project to grow in a more dynamic way, we are setting up a Contributors Skill Pool, as well as teams of volunteers by theme.

✅ The aim is to match your skills and interests to the needs of the project.

Whether you are already a very involved contributor or have just arrived and want to participate, we invite you to fill in the form below. (All personal data you enter will be kept confidential and used only by the permanent team to contact you).

Contributors Skill Pool form in ENG/FR

Everyone can contribute

Be part of our collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world!

Open Beauty Facts is a non-profit project made entirely by volunteers, we do need you.

Add products

Use our Android, iPhone or Windows app to easily scan the barcode of products from your home or local stores and upload pictures of their label.

No smartphone? No problem: you can also use your camera to add products directly on the web site.

Complete products

Do you like Open Beauty Facts? Tell others about it!

Μπορείτε να μας βοηθήσετε να συμπληρώσουμε τις πληροφορίες των προϊόντων με το να επιλέγετε φωτογραφίες και να εισάγετε σχετικές πληροφορίες.

Tell the world

Do you like Open Food Facts? Tell others about it!

Μπορείτε να παρουσιάσετε το έργο στην οικογένεια και τους φίλους σας, να τους δείξετε πώς να εγκαταστήσουν την εφαρμογή και να συνεισφέρουν, γράψτε ένα blog post, και μοιραστείτε τα Open Food Facts στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.

Make it local

You can help translate the site and mobile app in your language, as well as the taxonomies, and to translate presentations, announcements etc.

Ξεκινήστε ή εγγραφείτε σε έναν τοπικό κοινωφελή σύλλογο: προσθέστε τοπικά προϊόντα, εγγράψτε φίλους, παρουσιάστε το έργο σε συναντήσεις, εκδηλώσεις και συνέδρια κ. λπ.

Expert help needed

Developing Open Beauty Facts also requires specialized knowledge and expertise in many different areas:

  • Project management

    Έχουμε πάρα πολλές ιδέες και μάλλον έχετε ακόμη περισσότερες, αλλά είναι μια μεγάλη πρόκληση να μπουν προτεραιότητες, να δημιουργηθεί σχέδιο δράσης και να διαχειριστούν προγράμματα όταν ο κάθε συμμετέχων είναι εθελοντής με συνήθως περιορισμένο χρόνο διαθέσιμο.

  • Design

    We need help to build a better user experience on the Open Food Facts web site and mobile app, to improve their design, to create impactful presentation materials etc.

  • Development

    We have a lot of development work to do. On the Open Food Facts backend (Perl and MongoDB), API (JSON), web site (templatized HTML5, JS, Foundation), our Flutter mobile app for iOS and Android, but also to build new cool reuses etc. We have SDK projects in many programming languages to ensure anyone can reuse and contribute to Open Food Facts, in any language. We also have a growing Artificial Intelligence effort to simplify contribution work. Our code is on GitHub.

  • Community building

    We need to build local communities in all countries and at the same time unite them globally.

    It is very difficult to bootstrap a local community in a country without living there, so your help to find the first very motivated participants is essential. Are you one of them?

  • Communication

    We are not sure what to write here, could you help?

    More seriously, there are lot of cool things that users, contributors and reusers do with Open Food Facts, it would be great to get more people to know about it. In particular, we need help for public and media relations.

  • Special projects

    There are lots of interesting and original applications of food open data that we could work on with government food agencies, food producers, researchers, universities, schools, NGOs etc. Maybe you already have ideas? If you do, please help us to push them forward.

Let's talk!

A lot of ideas, energy and enthusiasm are shared in our contributors community, join us!

Here are some places where you can meet other contributors, talk to them and work with them:

  • Slack

    Slack is the best way to interact and collaborate with other contributors, developers and reusers. It's a discussion forum you can access from your browser or your phone. It completely changed how we work together. Please try it, click here to get invited to our Slack.

  • Facebook groups

    We have Facebook groups for Open Food Facts contributors in many languages. Joining them is a good way to get news about the project and to share announcements to a wider audience.

  • Wiki

    We also have a wiki that we use to collaboratively document Open Food Facts and its sub-projects. From the wiki, you can learn how to help translate the multilingual information (categories, labels etc.) a food product might have (using what we call taxonomies). You can even help add a food category or a label that is not yet supported by Open Food Facts.

Make a difference

We have several important on-going operations, join us!

Here are some places where you can have impact now:

There are many more ways to contribute to Open Beauty Facts, please join us on Slack and let's start the discussion!